A Want to improve productivity at home and see the difference

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Want to improve productivity at home

Get up to a clean home and see the difference:
We may be very tired after office work and household work. Stay at home moms have equally stressful days as they are the managers of a functional home , but if we spend exactly 15 minutes before sleeping your mornings can be more productive.

  • Remove all the vessels from your cook tops and put it in the sink overnight. Soak the vessels in water in order to ensure that food doesnt dry on them . When you start your chores in the kitchen you are welcomed to a clean and decluttered counter to start.
  • Plan the next days meal before you sleep. You have already planned what needs to be made so you don’t spend time thinking about it in the morning.
  • If you have a pre soaking timer on your washing machine then set it at night so by 5.00 am your clothes start getting washed.
  • Declutter your living room – Quickly place all the books , magazines or newspapers in a basket , arrange the cushions and keep the remotes in place. You get up and walk in to an organized living room.
  • Place post its with remarks for the most important things you need to do before you sleep at strategic locations like behind the main door. So while closing you can see it and ensure the task is done.
  • Keep all stationeries together in your kids room in a big basket or now a days with somany cartons coming with any online orders can be used. You can ask your kids to colour the cartons different colours for quick identification.
  • Lack of cleanliness causes many illnesses so maintaining a clean home will kee you healthy with less leaves and peace of mind at home. Decluttering and cleanliness also attract good Feng shui at home.
  • Apply toilet cleaners to the WC so morning just flush and its clean.

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